Saturday, June 25, 2016

REPOST: Iowa State Legislators FAIL again

Our most precious cargo, Children!

Almost every year, a number of school bus related topics are discussed at the legislative session, with some being introduced as bills. Some bills eventually work through the legislative process and become law while others are simply information requests.

As a school bus driver for six years, I remain vigilant to any new legislation that could impact school buses--after all, this is my primary livelihood.

And, as is the trend, nothing got done in the Iowa House. Eleven bills marched up the hill and NONE were adopted, or passed. The one the angered me the most was that someone thought it was a good idea to propose reducing the first time penalty of Kadyn's Law (SF196). The current fine ranges from $250-$675, with a 30-day license suspension and an optional 30 days in jail.

We are finding that this fine is RARELY imposed and NO ONE goes to jail! We have even heard of a recent court ruling where a 17-year-old, who ran an extended RED STOP ARM was warned and then fined ONLY $100.

Check out this episode!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Dog Park Crime

Crime happens when there is a victim. From my island of safety, north of Des Moines, IA, the crime is very low--or is it just not reported?

This morning I let my little Bichon drag me around our Dog Park for my sake. My exercise. My heart health. I walked with the only other person at the park, a pleasant young mother who was originally from New York, and had just taken her daughter to the Des Moines airport to fly back to New York.

When we got back to our cars, hers was broken into. A smash-and-grab from the passengers side--taking her purse--and the credit cards. She called the police. They arrived quickly. It is then that we found out that this was the fifth broken window break-in at the dog park in the past month.

I am sad that petty crime, with a variety of victims, has come to our quiet little town.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A bus story from Turkey

Now that school is out for summer and we FINALLY are on summer vacation, the school buses are now focused on transporting workers to the fields for detassling corn and special charter trips around the region.

One of bus driving pals told me that he is signed up for three charters, this coming week. From church camp to Capital tours, from family reunions to picnics. For me, I think I am going to taking some days off.

This chapter of BUS BIZ talks about one of the return letters I got from an airline pilot, in New York. I had reached out on HARO (Help A Reporter Out) and asked for bus travel input. Pilot Patrick Smith (Askthepilot) has a cute story about bus travel in Turkey, I think you will like it.

And then you will probably ask, "Why has America let that same infrastructure travel service fall apart?"

Check out this episode!

Friday, June 3, 2016

Take a deep breath

The biggest relief come on the final day when you no longer have to deal with the double-parking, distracted parents picking up their kids in the BUS LOADING ZONE!

I have great fears of the growing number of rude and distracted drivers that feel that the most convenient pick up spot at school (the Bus Loading Zone) is their own personal parking area. Some of these parents just pull up to the zone, get out and walk into the school for their meetings. No thought is given to the big old yellow bus that is trying to 'squeeze' and maneuver around their car, before and after dropping other kids off -- or picking them up. And then when we move into that left lane, because the right lane is now blocked, that clogs up the traffic.

What is to be done?

I know, there is more important issues to deal with -- like how did Donald Trump ever rise to the top of the Republican Heap. 

#BusBiz_podcast @jimthebusdriver @postmasterjim

Check out this episode!