Saturday, December 3, 2016

PODCAST: Take good care of your riders.

We had another accident in our school bus family.

A new driver was coming off the highway and took the inside turn lane, INSTEAD of the recommended outside turn lane. Resulting in too much bus and a wrinkled car.

Almost got free pizza, as that is the prize if we go one month without an accident.

As the holidays are upon us and the traffic increases, we must be diligent. We need to be on trop of our game--taking good care of our passengers and taking good care of our buses.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Are you a Straggler?

It took 50 years and 68 jobs to figure out that I was Bipolar-2.

Now, as I write books about it and feel I've got 'things' figured out, the USA goes nuts and elects a man with no experience to take us into a new REALITY.

God help us!

Check out this episode!